Mało prawdopodobne jest to, że ktoś z nas postawi stopę na Marsie. Ale tak jak podróżujemy w niezbadane zakątki Ziemi palcem po mapie, tak wystawa Orbis Tertius. Drawings of the Unseen Landscapes of Mars pozwala nam na eksplorację powierzchni nieznanego świata, jakbyśmy na niej stali. Krajobrazy generatywne zostały narysowane przez maszynę, która wyposażona w ołówek i unikalny algorytm, stworzyła je na podstawie przesyłanych rzeczywistych danych topograficznych zarejestrowanych przez NASA na orbicie marsjańskiej. Dziesiątki tysięcy linii na arkuszach papieru, odsłaniają każdy najmniejszy szczegół rozległych krajobrazów czerwonej planety: klifów, skał i głazów, tworzących kratery i ogromne pasma górskie.
fot. Katarzyna Kukiełka / KBF i Maciej Mędracki
The exhibition of works by the French artist Benjamin Vedrenne “Orbis Tertius. Drawings of the Unseen Landscapes of Mars“, took place from the 9th February until the 8th March 2024 at Apteka Designu (ul. Kopernika 19a, Kraków).
The planet Mars is, after the Earth and the Moon, the third most famous, most studied and most thoroughly mapped world by humanity.
The graphics presented at the exhibition are the result of an installation devoted to the cartography of the planet Mars and the time-consuming transmission of data from the surface of Mars. Why are we talking about this and what story does present the work of Benjamin Vedrenne, who focuses on data visualisation and studies the relationship between humans and machines and algorithms ?
It is unlikely that any of us will set foot on Mars. But just as we travel to unexplored corners of the Earth with our finger on the map, so does the Orbis Tertius. Drawings of the Unseen Landscapes of Mars allowing us to explore the surface of an unknown world as if we were standing on it. The generative landscapes were drawn by a machine that, equipped with a pencil and a unique algorithm, created drawings based on transmitted real topographic data recorded by NASA in Martian orbit. Tens of thousands of lines on sheets of paper reveal every smallest detail of the red planet’s vast landscapes: cliffs, rocks and boulders, creating craters and huge mountain ranges.
The seven graphics were created during the SPACE/S exhibition during the Patchlab Digital Art Festival 2023, where the installation was presented.
Curator of the exhibition: Elwira Wojtunik-Láng
Organizers: Photon Foundation & KBF
Free entrance